For the debate piece, I pushed the color to be less literal and less busy. Too much fought for the viewer’s attention in the first piece, so I went back to my value study and reworked the colors and patterns. I also played with warm and cool colors to direct the viewer's eye and create a mood within the space.

As I’ve mentioned, I’m updating my style and my old website, postcards, and logo don’t fit anymore. I’m bringing these up-to-date, starting with my logo. None of the computerized fonts I’ve tried worked, so I decided to go with a hand-lettered approach:

I'm happy with the result and I think it really works with some of my newer illustrations.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, enjoy!
Wonderful! I really like the one below (work in progress) of this piece... works well as a monochromatic piece also... Good to see you and catch up with you!!!! Keep in touch,